Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Opportunity is Knocking Coach!

You know, if you think about this, Rich Rodriguez has a great opportunity before him.

It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. ~Frederick Phillips

The Mountaineers and their coaching staff have a huge opportunity in front of them. Beat Oklahoma and win another BCS bowl game.

Here's the logic:
Throughout the entire month of December media people would be complaining about how West Virginia didn't deserve to be in the national championship game because of their weak schedule (35th toughest according to Sagarin Ratings), or their weak conference (2nd in the nation compared to the Sagarin Ratings) or a number of other excuses.

Well, now they are able to prepare and compete against the team that everyone thought SHOULD have been in the championship game but isn't. Beat Oklahoma and all of a sudden West Virginia has proven than maybe they do belong up near the top with the rest of the blue bloods.

A victory over the Sooners could have people saying, "West Virginia just may be able to compete with the big dogs after all."

Two BCS wins in three years three consecutive bowl victories ..... hmmmm.

It will help recruiting, AND when the preseason polls come out in 2008, maybe a #3 pre-season ranking, and a more experienced team can accomplish what seemed to slip away in 2007.

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. ~Benjamin Disraeli


Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss. ~Author Unknown


A story has surfaced in West Virginia concerning Mountaineers' place kicker Pat McAfee receiving death threats.

Come on people, lighten up! I know it's tough and disappointing, but don't be idiots!

I am sure that Pat McAfee inentionally missed those field goals. (please read with sarcastic tone) West Virginians have enough trouble with the stereotypical misunderstanding that many unintelligent people in this country have. DON'T MAKE IT WORSE BY DOING STUPID THINGS!

Pat McAfee is a 20-something year old young man who is not paid to perform his duties. He has four things he needs to do in his life at the present time:
(1) Go to class
(2) Stay out of trouble
(3) Kick field goals
(4) Punt the football

Now I know he missed 2 FGs, but let me ask you this question, who doesn't make a mistake or two at work every now and then. Now some of you may say I am being cavalier about this but let's remember again, HE'S 20-SOMETHING years old.

If someone can honestly say they NEVER make a mistake at work every now and then, you should see if you have eligibility left, and I am sure Pat would step aside and let you kick for the Mountaineers.

Here's my suggestion, if these morons who vandalized his car, and house and have managed to threaten his life should be caught, they should be made to kick a field goal in front of 60,000+ screaming people, and a national television audience. If they make it, they get the minimum jail sentence. If they miss it, they get the maximum jail sentence. I think they need to understand the true meaning of the word pressure.

There's only two people who should be angry with Pat McAfee. Pat McAfee and Rich Rodriguez. That's it. Nobody is blaming Pat White for what he said was a bad throw into the end zone of 4th and 17, except for Pat White.

Bottom line don't judge these players too harshly for making a mistake while playing a football game, and don't Mountaineers fans, don't give our state and fans a bad name by doing something stupid.

In addition, if you analyze the game a little closer, I don't think Pat McAfee should be solely blamed for the loss. How about the coaching staff, and pretty much the entire team.

Finally, when this thing is resolved and we would happen to find out that the death threats and vadalizing were being done by people from some place other than West Virginia, like say, a WVU students from other states, I would hope that it would be publicly noted. Even though in my mind I know it won't.

Because in my heart, I find it hard to believe that a West Virginian would do something like this. We respect each other too much.

Monday, December 3, 2007


The sun didn't shine Sunday, nor is it shining today

Sure, there’s daylight, but it wasn't a good yesterday because of everyone begrudgingly canceling all of their NOLA travel plans.

In a matter of one week, we have experienced college football's highest of highs, and of course lowest of lows.

Some would say the Pitts.

Over the past months, the hopes of Mountaineer fans have hinged on needing a series of major upsets.

We've watched and secretly cheered as USF, USC, Cal, Oklahoma, Oregon, BC, LSU, Ohio State, Kansas, and LSU have fallen one by one.

Finally, all the upsets and stars aligned to thrust our beloved Mounties into the right position, Almost Heaven.

Well, live by the sword, die by the sword.

All those teams against whom we have cheered against over the course of this crazy season along with the media pundits got the last laugh Saturday night.

Once again, as we have experienced throughout the long and somewhat depressing history that is Mountaineer Football, we took that unexpected punch in the gut.

It's not any different than any of the following:
* 1955 Sugar Bowl disaster,

* 1970 36-35 loss to Pitt -
after leading 35-8 at half,

* 1972 Peach Bowl loss to N. C. State,

* 1975 undefeated season, lost to Penn State (20-0) then lost to Temple the next week,

* 1982 24-0 loss to Penn State when we were undefeated and out gained them 2 to 1.

* 1982 16-13 loss to Pitt after leading 13-0 in the 4th quarter.

* 1984 (3) losses to end a season after we had posted the 2 greatest
back to back wins in school

* 1988 loss to ND in the national championship.

* 1993 Sugar Bowl loss to Fla.

* 1994 Kickoff Classic vs Nebraska 34-0 - embarrassment on National TV where the only good play was a 92 yard punt

* 1996 loss to Miami - blocked punt in the final seconds (undefeated no more).

* 1997 loss at ND when a win was definitely within the team's grasp.

* 2004 losses to BC and Pitt

* 2006 fumbled opportunity at Louisville.

* 2006 loss to USF.

* 2007 fumbled opportunity at USF.
There are probably more, but the pain of this loss is blocking my memory.

Last night was probably the combination of a lot of things; all of which were needed for Pitt to win a game that really shouldn't have been close.

Missed opportunities and missed field goals.
Missed blocking assignments and reads.
Over confidence.
Lack of focus.
Lack of preparation by the coaches and players.

While it is the end of a dream that started with the 2005 Louisville comeback, it isn't the end of our hopes.

We still have one of the best coaches in the sport. Rich Rod will make the adjustments needed and get things corrected. Look what he did in taking a defense from the low of last year to the strength of this year.

We will ask questions and Monday morning quarterback this game for weeks, months and probably years.

Is our offensive line average at best?

Why didn't we throw the ball across the wide open middle?

Why did we limit the touches by Devine, Reynaud and Schmidt?

Why has Rich, who talks about the importance of the Pitt Rivalry only have a 4-3 record against what is certainly a lesser opponent during his tenure? Two of these losses have been really expensive - 2004 costing us a BCS bowl and 2007 costing us a BCS title game spot.

Disappointment is historic for Mountaineer fans.

But, keep in mind that if you are going to play this game at the highest of levels, which we really are, than the disappointments will be magnified.

Think how many Wide Rights and Wide Lefts have keep Bobby Bowden from winning national championships.

None of this explains how a 28-1/2 pt underdog beats a team with the opportunity to play for a national championship.

But, what makes sense in this season of college football, or in the history Mountaineer Football

Here’s the deal….we are the Boston Red Sox of college football….…NOW that being said… have a choice…love ‘em or leave ‘em, because as much as the Red Sox Nation has been through years of frustration, disappointment and pain, and as much as they “whine” about said frustration, and wear the disappointment around their necks like an albatross……They LOVE THEIR TEAM!

Let’s Go Eat Some Tostitos!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Two Left Standing May Surprise You! Ohio State plays West Virginia in the National Championship Game

Am I crazy? Try this on for size.

This weekend....
(4) Missouri beats (2) Kansas
(3) West Virginia beats (20) UConn
(1) LSU in a panic over the thought of Miles bolting for Mich., the team falls to Darren McFadden and the Arkansas Razorbacks
It's McFadden's chance to win the Heisman on National TV, a Friday no other big games really on except for Texas vs Texas A&M. It's the Hogs chance to save their season to a certain extent. Plus they are playing for Coach Houston Nutt for possibly the last time. They will more than likely play in a bowl, but what better way to show you care than playing your heart out for your coach and beating the #1 team in the nation on their turf?

After this weekend the BCS standing will breakdown like this....

(1) Missouri will leap frog West Virginia because they played the higher ranked team.
(2) West Virginia could conceivably be in the drivers seat
(3) Ohio State moves up because all the rankings have been this season is nothing more than an escalator, and
(4) Georgia who won't even get to play in the SEC Championship game but is ranked the highest in the Conference

The next weekend...
Missouri loses to Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship game because it's the only way the Sooners can manage to salvage their season

WVU beats Pitt in the 100th Backyard Brawl

Ohio State sits on the couch and watches the whole thing unravel and then is handed a place in the National Championship Game on a silver platter.

The Craziest Season in recent college football memory ends and the media is left scratching their heads and asking the question WHY? They also have 38 days to discount West Virginia's cred by saying that if it wasn't for every other team losing the Mountaineers wouldn't even be here. Tim Brando of CBS will be the one who fires the first shot, and oh yes, we can't forget Colin Cowherd who thinks the Big East should move down a level into the Sub Championship bracket. OK that's maybe exaggerating it a little but Colin has been less than nice to the conference, and the Mountaineers.

Ohio State fans get excited because this should be a cake walk.

Hold on to your hats fans....last year it was the Boise State Broncos who were, I believe 17 point, underdogs to the Oklahoma Sooners in the Fiesta Bowl, and those same West Virginia Mountaineers were 12 point underdogs in the 2006 Sugar Bowl to the Georgia Bulldogs, both won their respective games handing college football what could have been a sign of the birth of the new age of college football. Maybe the establishment has some company and those teams aren't going to be able to walk over the mid-level teams any longer.

Call me crazy, but I said after the Mountaineers loss to South Florida, "If West Virginia wins out they will play for a National Championship." Save your breath when talking about WVU's weak schedule. Focus on Kansas and Missouri's before you criticize the Mountaineers.

Maybe I am not so crazy after all.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Without playing head-to-head, how do we know which team is truly the best?

As the chaos continues in college football, the question is, "Does anyone really want to win this thing?"

Kansas appears to be the most determined team out there, and can prove itself worthy of the title by winning out.

KU's remaining schedule includes #5 Missouri and #4 Oklahoma. If the Jayhawks can get past the Tigers.

Win those games, and KU will be the only 13-0 BCS Conference Champion.

Shouldn't that be enough to get them a title shot?

Or, did KU start too low in the popularity contest initially to make it to the Title Game?

Lose to Missouri and the Jayhawks will enjoy the spoils of a BCS game, just not the BCS title game.

Without a couple of upsets, the teams in the title game will likely be the winner of the off-field popularity contest known as major college football.

A one-loss LSU will most certainly get a shot at the BCS title.

After all, they would boast a resume that includes winning the title of the self-proclaimed "best conference in college football." Plus, they may be able to say that they beat the champion of another BCS conference, Virginia Tech.

This could potentially leave several one-loss conference champions scratching their heads wondering what it takes to get to the coveted BCS Title game.

Did Ohio State, who until this past weekend was seen as a lock to get in, mess-up because they lost late in the season rather than early like Oregon, Oklahoma, LSU, Missouri and WVU? Or, were they pretenders with an advantageous schedule.

Can Oklahoma, who lost to a bad Colorado team really lay claim to being the best team in college football?

If Oregon and WVU win out, and that may be a big if, they will have a lot to ponder in the off-season.

Two plays for both of these teams could be the difference between these teams playing each other in the Title Game.

The real question gets to be: "What defines the #1 team in Major College Football?"

Is it the best team, or is it the most consistent team, or is it the luckiest team, or a team with the right schedule, or the most popular team?

Is time to take the media out of the mix and give it to a computer? Honestly!

ESPN is constantly telling you one week that TEAM A is a lock to play for a national championship, only to watch TEAM A go down in flames over the weekend. Then the next week they move on to TEAM B, "who is deserving and are now the lock."

My question is, "Where is the responsible journalism?" Does no one have to take take some owership in their words or show some accountability, step up and say, "I WAS WRONG?"

No they don't because they think you hang on their every word. Egomaniacs, that is what the media has become. Leave the teams alone let them play the games and let's have a playoff! Geez, it's not rocket science. I don't want the National Championship in college football left to bunch of Know-it-alls with no accountability.

How about this. All of the "so-called" experts can continue to spew their knowledge, but if they are incorrect, how about an electric shock every time they get it wrong?

This my friends is what the NCAA, and the current BCS system gives us.

Questions, nothing but questions, along with a healthy dose of confusion from the media and their so-called expertise. CONFUSION is COLLEGE FOOTBALL.

Without playing head-to-head, how do we know which team is truly the best?

Now that is THE question.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sal-Pal Nice Question

Sal Palintonio interviews New England Patriots QB Tom Brady after his team's exciting win over the Indianapolis Colts. In the interview Palintonio says, "You're 9-0, and I know you. You're not into 9-0. What's this team's ultimate goal?"

I know you. You're not into 9-0. What's this team's ultimate goal?

Are you kidding me? Brady should have answered, "Well Sal, I think our ultimate goal is to go undefeated and lose in our first playoff game. That's the goal we set in training camp and we are focused on achieving that goal."

ESPN used this as their, Sunday Conversation." Wow! Come on Palintonio, can you come up a better questions than that?

Friday, November 2, 2007

It's Hard to Root Against Joe Torre

I recently caught Bob Costas' interview with former Yankees and new Dodgers manager Joe Torre on the latest episode of HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumble. As I watched the interview I couldn't help but think about how much I despise the Yankees, but love Joe Torre. He is without a doubt on of the classiest figures in sports today, and he seems to be a players manager.

Being a Red Sox fan second to being a Pirates fan, it's very hard to watch the Yankees let alone cheer for them, and baseball season is over, so let's not get into the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry, ESPN does that enough for us all. Not to mention when it comes to the poor Pittsburgh Pirates, the small market basement dwellers, the Yankees are all that's wrong with baseball. The "evil empire," if you will. Huge salaries, and plucking any decent talent from small market teams so they can position themselves for a title run. Greed. It's all wrong, but I will save that revenue sharing post for another time, (insert sarcastic tone)
because I know baseball is doing everything correct and the NFL and NHL with their salary caps and revenue sharing don't know what they're doing. Let's face it, being a GM and owner in a parody-laden league allows you the opportunity to show off your talents at managing personnel. Anyone can buy or trade for a championship.

I am sorry about getting off on a rant but, Joe Torre is different, and in watching the HBO interview I couldn't help but think about what an honest person he is. It was difficult to cheer against him, and it's a shame that we sometimes get so caught up in a sports-type of hatred for a the team and everyone associated with it, when nearly all of the people associated with that hated team are decent individuals.

To me Joe Torre fits into that category. I am not a Dodgers fan, but I can honestly say that if he would take the Dodgers to the World Series and win it, hopefully not at the expense of my Pirates and Red Sox, I would say in the end, "He deserves it and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Forget March Madness, I'll Take Fall Frenzy!

Things to take note of when it comes to these teams:




1. Each team has at least one game against a team currently ranked in the BCS Top 25.

2. Either Oregon or Arizona St will likely fall out of this group after this weekend.

3. All of these teams should be favored in the games that are to be played the week of Nov. 10; it's likely that there will be an unexpected upset that weekend.
Especially if LSU would lose to Alabama on this weekend. This could create too much thinking by young college football players, fans, and talking heads.

4. WVU, OSU, Oklahoma, and Oregon probably have the easiest remaining schedules.

5. There are 35 games remaining for the above teams; 10 of these games involve ranked opponents.

6. Because they play each other on 11/24 either Missouri or Kansas will fall out of this group.

7. All of these teams control their destiny towards earning a BCS Bowl Bid and winning their Conference Title.

8. WVU needs to win the remainder of its games, at least 4 upsets and good politics to get into the BCS Title game.

9. Did you know that there are several teams not in this Top 9 that control their on destiny in winning their conference?
A. Bama controls its destiny in winning the SEC West.
B. A 3-loss UCLA team can win the PAC-10 if they win out (their schedule includes Arizona St., Oregon, & USC).
C. UCONN wins the Big East if they win out (Rutgers, Cincinnati, & WVU).
D. VA Tech can win the ACC if they win out.
E. A 3-loss Tennessee team can win SEC
F. A 3-loss Oklahoma St team can win the Big-12 (Their remaining schedule includes Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma & Baylor)
G. Throw UVA, Wake Forest, & Va Tech can win the ACC.

Imagine some of the BCS games if UCLA, Tennessee, UCONN, and/or Oklahoma State win their leagues. Oklahoma Vs. Hawaii in the Fiesta anyone?

All this tells me that it there is still a lot of football to be played, and that WVU fans need to focus on beating Louisville, and let the chips fall where they will.

Maybe College football needs a playoff, or a plus-one game to truly determine a champion.

Many including me love the excitement and drama of March Madness, but that only lasts 3-weeks - the Fall Frenzy known as College Football lasts at least 3 months.

Who's the Pressure Really On?

Can You Imagine Living in Alabama or Louisiana this week?

He may not want to be the story but as game time in Tuscaloosa draws closer he becomes more of the focal point. I am referring to Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban. Everyone who follows college football knows by now that Saban, two years after leading the team to their first national championship in 45 years, left Louisiana State University to become head coach of the NFL's Miami Dolphins for two seasons, only to leave Miami to become head coach at one of LSU's bitterest of rivals.

Can this be paralleled to your father divorcing your mother and marrying another woman? OK, that may be a stretch, because I honestly feel LSU fans would say it's worse.

Coach Saban obviously did what he felt he had to do, and even though Tigers fans will never forgive him, they should be a little more worried about the present and future and not the past.

LSU Head Coach Les Miles could possibly be offered the job at his alma mater Michigan at the end of the season, IF and it's a big IF, Michigan's administration gives Wolverines fans the Christmas present they want, a new coach. Although I don't forsee that happening since Lloyd Carr has managed to turn the team's season around and they are again fighting for a Big 10 title and headed for a showdown with Ohio State.

So at least in Saban's case the good news is, his team gets to play LSU at home. The bad news is eventually he will have to face the music and head to Baton Rouge, but that's next year.

This year the Crimson Tide is presently in a tie with LSU for the top spot in the SEC West Division. There's litterally a lot at stake in SEC land when it comes to this game. The winner will more than likely have the inside track to the Georgia Dome (SEC Championship), and a shot a the Sugar Bowl.

Alabama beats LSU and goes to the SEC Championship and maybe the Sugar Bowl in Louisiana? Meanwhile LSU, a team that has national championship aspirations, will possibly settle for the Peach Bowl? AGAIN? How will that set?

Which brings me to the point of this post.
The pressure isn't on Nick Saban, the pressure is on Les Miles.
All Saban has to do this year is get to a bowl game and win it. Notice, I said "a bowl game." This year that will satisfy Crimson Tide Fans. Next year will be a different story however.

As for Les Miles. All of the pressure of big time college football has been placed squarely on his shoulders. Tigers fans have never accepted losses to the Alabama Crimson Tide and they sure aren't going to settle for them now. This is a deal-breaking, must-win game for Les Miles every year until that Michigan job becomes available.

Job pressure? Uh, yeah.

I also think the Alabama Crimson Tide wins this game, and unfortunately the LSU fans will have to sit and let this stew for another year. But remember where the game is played next year Alabama fans because I know you will be talking about being national championship contenders in 2008. Paybacks are hell.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's Seperation Weekend, and What's Really Up with WVU?

While not many games have been played, it is still hard to tell who are the pretenders and contenders in the Big East.

PITT 1 1
WVU 1 1

Is UConn really the best team in the league? Things should start to sort itself out this weekend.


There will be at least 2 more 2-loss teams in the league after this coming weekend.

Nationally, this is an important weekend for sorting out the contenders and pretenders

1 Ohio State @ 25 Penn St.
2 BC @ 8 Va. Tech
4 Arizona St vs. 21 Cal
5 Oregon Vs. 12 USC
6 Oklahoma (IDLE)
7 WVU @ Rutgers
9 Kansas @ Texas A&M
10 So. Florida vs 23 UConn

There are some real challenges this weekend. The opportunity is there for West Virginia, but are the Mountaineers really ready for it? Maybe WVU fans' expections are greater than they should be, but after the Miss. State game many are left wondering.

Are they really the great offensive team that we think we are?
Did they letdown or shutdown after the 2nd play of the 2nd quarter?
Why don't they seem to be consistently potent on offense?
Can their O-line dominate an opponent that has decent defensive athletes?

Last Saturday I saw that: White ran hard. Slaton ran hard. Schimdt rumbled hard. Reynaud looked good. For a quarter, WVU could do no wrong. White's run on the first play was special. The long 88-yd drive that took 12 or 13 plays was great (patience, and eating of the clock are always good things for the better team). Schimdt's rumble to the endzone was something to see. I'll take a slant pass to Reynaud anyday. And, though I would have liked to have seen him get a couple of TD's against USF, I am glad that we were there for Slaton's record setting TD run.

What I didn't see was a real crisp Jarrett Brown. He missed some wide open receivers, and he had no touch on most of his passes. Wes Lyons and Dorrell Jalloh probably needed medical attention after trying to catch a couple of those 200 MPH rockets.

Over the past couple of years, the Mountaineers have grown accustomed to being able to run right over most teams, and having a handful of career type highlight plays every week. That does appear to be happening this year.

Did having an All-American center and one of the best O-line coaches in the business really make that big of difference? Big Shoes to fill?

I am not yet convinced that West Virginia has all the pieces necessary to win 11 or 12 games. And, that is just too bad, because the fans have been looking ahead to the possibilities of the 2007 season since they witnessed the 2005 comeback against U of L.

It's funny, because everyone was concerned about the defense over the winter and into the early part of the season. While I don't see Canute Curtis out there chasing down the opposing players, I do see what is probably the strongest defense of the the Rich Rod era, and, that is saying a bunch when you consider that we have seen Pac-ManJones, Grant Wiley, Brian King, and Mike Lorello during that period.

But, I think that Keilen Dykes, Johnny Dingle, Scooter Berry, Marc Magro, Eric Wicks, Larry Williams and Ryan Mundy are names that someday will likely live long in WVU lore.

In the spring and early fall, Rich complained about the receivers, and again, I don't see David Sanders, Shawn Foreman, or Danny Bugs running around out there, but I do think that Darius Reynaud is a name that will be remembered. And that group has laid some wood on D-backs, which is usually what makes things go. So, what is it about this team that leaves a little concern or questionmark?

Yes, 38 points is a big number to put on another team; just ask Georgia or Georgia Tech. Sylvester Croom didn't seem real happy about it either. But, how many yards did WVU have after the 2nd play of the 2nd quarter? I think they had less than 400 total yards; and less than 300 rushing yards.

Maybe this is all a good thing, and they are in the right position to make a season ending run towards the Big East Title and another New Years day bowl. The possibilities are there, but are the Mountaineers right for the challenge?

Wins against Rutgers and UL could convince me, but after watching them and the other Big East games this weekend, I am confused. Rutgers beat USF by running the ball straight at them with a couple of trick special teams plays thrown in. UConn beat UL on a punt return that was signaled as a fair catch. A lousy Pitt team beat what has been a pretty solid Cincy team. How? Wanstadt should stay in the booth every week.

This has been the most interesting College Football season in many years (no clear cut favorites - just ask USC). Buckle your seat belt, and hold on tight - the next six weeks should get real interesting.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Can the Rockies Sustain the Momentum?

Just something to think about. Can the Colorado Rockies maintain their run? The team has won 21 of their last 22, and now will have been off for eight days prior to begining the World Series in Boston on Wednesday night.

When an athlete is hot a coach tends to leave him in the game whether he is tired or not. When you're hot, you're hot.

It will be interesting to see if the Rocks have cooled off in the last week.

My prediction is Boston in 6.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finally Someone Puts Sports Into Perspective

"Why should we panic? We've got a great team. ... It doesn't happen, so who cares? There's always next year. It's not like it's the end of the world."
--Manny Ramirez

OUTRAGE! The media says fans in the Boston area will be outraged by Manny Ramirez's statements!

Come on sports fans, Manny is correct. Please don't let the media make you think otherwise. Yes this game is important to Red Sox nation, probably just as important as it is to Indians nation. But it is what it is, a sporting event.

Men and women from our armed forces are dying everyday on foreign soil to protect our freedom. That's the end of the world.

I am not turning this into a political statement, it's not worth that. All I am saying is Manny is right. IF they Red Sox lose and I still think that's a big IF, the sun will rise over the city of Boston the next day.

Teams lose every day and every year, and as I always say, "Losing builds character, and winning breeds complacency."

The media needs a story and Manny gave it to them. This is the only story you will hear and see all day long besides the possible angle that Ramirez did this to take the focus off the team and Josh Beckett.

What do we tell an 8-year-old boy or girl whose team just lost their athletic contest? "Buck up, it's just a game."

Ramirez gets criticized a lot for his attitude, but finally in my opinon, he says something that makes sense. I think he gets a gold star in my book, and even though Manny makes a lot of money to play a kids game. At least he is using some common sense.

I know that the sports world is a release from reality for many of us including me, but geez, it is what it is.

By the way, on this isn't the big story. The BIG STORY is, Theo Epstien and Terry Francona will be on the hot seat if the team doesn't go to the World Series. That is a subject for another time, because that's just Boston fans trying to be like Yankees fans.

The Red Sox won the division over the Yankees and got farther in the playoffs than the Yankees, and MAY STILL GET TO THE WORLD SERIES.

WHY BLAME PEOPLE FOR WINNING? Things could be worse, you could be a baseball fan in Pittsburgh.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

South Florida Bulls vs Destiny and What Could Have Been for the West Virginia Mountaineers

Rich Rodriguez always says the West Virginia's opponents in football should "put a little more tape on, a little more air in their helmets, and strap it on." referring to playing the Mountaineers and the team's style of football.

Well, they have yet to play that physical style this year on the offensive side of the ball.

The irony of ironies, is that the offense has let down one of the better defenses that Mountaineer fans have seen this decade. Yes, last year the defense was awful, but this year not so bad.

WVU seem to be happy trying to finesse teams with their speed on offense when what they really need to go back to the days of Quincy Wilson, when the Mountaineers simply ran straight over and through opponents (i.e. Miami Hurricanes DB) and made them hurt.

If South Florida survives Thursday night in NJ when they play a reeling Rutgers team, which probably won't be easy, they won't have too many obstacles left in their path; most of their tougher games are at home after that Louisville and Cincinnati.

Though they do play at a surprisingly competitive UConn team next weekend. Which will be 10 days removed from what more than likely be an emotional game with the Scarlet Knights.

Actually, four of the next five weeks USF plays the meat of their Big East schedule @ Rutgers, @ UConn, home against UC, @ Syracuse, and home to U of L.

If they survive all that, only Pitt and the politics of the SEC stand between them and the BCS Title Game.

WVU needs to stay hungry, and realize that a Pat White interception returned for a touchdown, and a missed tackle on Grothe (scramble pass for a long touchdown) are keeping the Mountaineers from being the #1 team right now.

But, the way this season has gone over the last couple of weeks, I'm not sure that being the #1 team is a good thing.

The Buckeyes will be strongly tested over their next five games - Mich. St (now coached by a former OSU asst.), @ Penn St., Wisconson, Illinois, and "That team from up north."

Play hard physical football in all phases, and things will be good for the Mountaineers.

And, Rich Rod, for heaven's sake - keep the the Yankees hats and references in the closet until at least mid-January, or until after you've won as many Big East titles, or national championships as the Yankees!

The Next Bucco Skipper & Last Second Timeouts

The Pirates Next Skipper and Last Second Timeouts
I just have a few thoughts for this week. I want to give you my thoughts on who the next Pittsburgh Pirates manager will be. It is my humble opinion that it will be one of two men....either Joe Torre or Tony LaRussa. I know that Jim Tracy is an upstanding man and a good manager but damn, who can put a winning season together with the talent that is proivided you in 'Da Burgh?I would love to see Torre or LaRussa land in Pittsburgh. Do you know why? Because then we will see what kind of leaders they really are. Let's face it, anyone can win if you are the manager of the Yankees or the Cardinals. I mean how hard can it be with a payroll upwards of $100 or $200 million?Hey Joe and Tony, you both want to be included in the talk about the greatest baseball managers of all time.

Well if you really want to be counted as one of the best, accept the challenge, come to Pittsburgh, manage the Pirates and turn a once proud franchise into a contender. Do that and we will REALLY consider you one of the best.I know the Nutting family would have to be willing to consider hiring one of those two. In fact I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say that is why Jim Tracy was released in the first place, because the thought of having Torre or LaRussa possibly available as your manager was too good to pass up.

Gentlemen the ball is in your court. Don't run, accept the challenge and solidify your name in the annals of major league baseball history. Consider the Pirates OFFER!!!! When they actually offer it!

Now the second thing I wanted to rant about was the rediculous, "Hey let's wait til the very last second and call a time out when the kicker is already kicking the ball to win the NFL football game."This rule need changed. I thinks it's a stupid rule that a head coach can call timeout at the very last second before the ball is snapped. I don't know why I feel this way, but I do and let me tell you that I hate the Dallas Cowboys but I am happy for Nick Folk for hitting the shot from 53 yards twice and winning the game.Roger Godell, "Get the rules committee together and change the rule." It's only fair to the kicker. I would hate for this silly rule to change the outcome of the Super Bowl. Even if the rule is legitimate, there's something not right about it......I just don't know what it is.