Wednesday, December 5, 2007


A story has surfaced in West Virginia concerning Mountaineers' place kicker Pat McAfee receiving death threats.

Come on people, lighten up! I know it's tough and disappointing, but don't be idiots!

I am sure that Pat McAfee inentionally missed those field goals. (please read with sarcastic tone) West Virginians have enough trouble with the stereotypical misunderstanding that many unintelligent people in this country have. DON'T MAKE IT WORSE BY DOING STUPID THINGS!

Pat McAfee is a 20-something year old young man who is not paid to perform his duties. He has four things he needs to do in his life at the present time:
(1) Go to class
(2) Stay out of trouble
(3) Kick field goals
(4) Punt the football

Now I know he missed 2 FGs, but let me ask you this question, who doesn't make a mistake or two at work every now and then. Now some of you may say I am being cavalier about this but let's remember again, HE'S 20-SOMETHING years old.

If someone can honestly say they NEVER make a mistake at work every now and then, you should see if you have eligibility left, and I am sure Pat would step aside and let you kick for the Mountaineers.

Here's my suggestion, if these morons who vandalized his car, and house and have managed to threaten his life should be caught, they should be made to kick a field goal in front of 60,000+ screaming people, and a national television audience. If they make it, they get the minimum jail sentence. If they miss it, they get the maximum jail sentence. I think they need to understand the true meaning of the word pressure.

There's only two people who should be angry with Pat McAfee. Pat McAfee and Rich Rodriguez. That's it. Nobody is blaming Pat White for what he said was a bad throw into the end zone of 4th and 17, except for Pat White.

Bottom line don't judge these players too harshly for making a mistake while playing a football game, and don't Mountaineers fans, don't give our state and fans a bad name by doing something stupid.

In addition, if you analyze the game a little closer, I don't think Pat McAfee should be solely blamed for the loss. How about the coaching staff, and pretty much the entire team.

Finally, when this thing is resolved and we would happen to find out that the death threats and vadalizing were being done by people from some place other than West Virginia, like say, a WVU students from other states, I would hope that it would be publicly noted. Even though in my mind I know it won't.

Because in my heart, I find it hard to believe that a West Virginian would do something like this. We respect each other too much.

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