Friday, November 2, 2007

It's Hard to Root Against Joe Torre

I recently caught Bob Costas' interview with former Yankees and new Dodgers manager Joe Torre on the latest episode of HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumble. As I watched the interview I couldn't help but think about how much I despise the Yankees, but love Joe Torre. He is without a doubt on of the classiest figures in sports today, and he seems to be a players manager.

Being a Red Sox fan second to being a Pirates fan, it's very hard to watch the Yankees let alone cheer for them, and baseball season is over, so let's not get into the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry, ESPN does that enough for us all. Not to mention when it comes to the poor Pittsburgh Pirates, the small market basement dwellers, the Yankees are all that's wrong with baseball. The "evil empire," if you will. Huge salaries, and plucking any decent talent from small market teams so they can position themselves for a title run. Greed. It's all wrong, but I will save that revenue sharing post for another time, (insert sarcastic tone)
because I know baseball is doing everything correct and the NFL and NHL with their salary caps and revenue sharing don't know what they're doing. Let's face it, being a GM and owner in a parody-laden league allows you the opportunity to show off your talents at managing personnel. Anyone can buy or trade for a championship.

I am sorry about getting off on a rant but, Joe Torre is different, and in watching the HBO interview I couldn't help but think about what an honest person he is. It was difficult to cheer against him, and it's a shame that we sometimes get so caught up in a sports-type of hatred for a the team and everyone associated with it, when nearly all of the people associated with that hated team are decent individuals.

To me Joe Torre fits into that category. I am not a Dodgers fan, but I can honestly say that if he would take the Dodgers to the World Series and win it, hopefully not at the expense of my Pirates and Red Sox, I would say in the end, "He deserves it and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."

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