Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Opportunity is Knocking Coach!

You know, if you think about this, Rich Rodriguez has a great opportunity before him.

It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. ~Frederick Phillips

The Mountaineers and their coaching staff have a huge opportunity in front of them. Beat Oklahoma and win another BCS bowl game.

Here's the logic:
Throughout the entire month of December media people would be complaining about how West Virginia didn't deserve to be in the national championship game because of their weak schedule (35th toughest according to Sagarin Ratings), or their weak conference (2nd in the nation compared to the Sagarin Ratings) or a number of other excuses.

Well, now they are able to prepare and compete against the team that everyone thought SHOULD have been in the championship game but isn't. Beat Oklahoma and all of a sudden West Virginia has proven than maybe they do belong up near the top with the rest of the blue bloods.

A victory over the Sooners could have people saying, "West Virginia just may be able to compete with the big dogs after all."

Two BCS wins in three years three consecutive bowl victories ..... hmmmm.

It will help recruiting, AND when the preseason polls come out in 2008, maybe a #3 pre-season ranking, and a more experienced team can accomplish what seemed to slip away in 2007.

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. ~Benjamin Disraeli


Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss. ~Author Unknown


Anonymous said...

That post put me back on the bandwagon, baby! We can do it! Will the players see it the same way? Will they be playing like they have something to prove, or will they come out flat? Will they recognize this as opportunity, or feel like they are in a consolation game? We will soon find out. Keep the good posts coming! Quit your day job and become a sportswriter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but maybe Roch Rod needs to change his coachin style a little. I mean he was outcoached against Pitt. Too much Pat White and too much run.

I hope he and the team can see the light.

Anonymous said...

Oklahoma isn't Pitt. WV better bring their "A" game that's all I have to say.