Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finally Someone Puts Sports Into Perspective

"Why should we panic? We've got a great team. ... It doesn't happen, so who cares? There's always next year. It's not like it's the end of the world."
--Manny Ramirez

OUTRAGE! The media says fans in the Boston area will be outraged by Manny Ramirez's statements!

Come on sports fans, Manny is correct. Please don't let the media make you think otherwise. Yes this game is important to Red Sox nation, probably just as important as it is to Indians nation. But it is what it is, a sporting event.

Men and women from our armed forces are dying everyday on foreign soil to protect our freedom. That's the end of the world.

I am not turning this into a political statement, it's not worth that. All I am saying is Manny is right. IF they Red Sox lose and I still think that's a big IF, the sun will rise over the city of Boston the next day.

Teams lose every day and every year, and as I always say, "Losing builds character, and winning breeds complacency."

The media needs a story and Manny gave it to them. This is the only story you will hear and see all day long besides the possible angle that Ramirez did this to take the focus off the team and Josh Beckett.

What do we tell an 8-year-old boy or girl whose team just lost their athletic contest? "Buck up, it's just a game."

Ramirez gets criticized a lot for his attitude, but finally in my opinon, he says something that makes sense. I think he gets a gold star in my book, and even though Manny makes a lot of money to play a kids game. At least he is using some common sense.

I know that the sports world is a release from reality for many of us including me, but geez, it is what it is.

By the way, on this isn't the big story. The BIG STORY is, Theo Epstien and Terry Francona will be on the hot seat if the team doesn't go to the World Series. That is a subject for another time, because that's just Boston fans trying to be like Yankees fans.

The Red Sox won the division over the Yankees and got farther in the playoffs than the Yankees, and MAY STILL GET TO THE WORLD SERIES.

WHY BLAME PEOPLE FOR WINNING? Things could be worse, you could be a baseball fan in Pittsburgh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another brilliant post. You should go pro. You have summed up all that is wrong with professional sports. Great post.